stay hungry, stay foolish.- steve jobs

stay hungry, stay foolish.

- steve jobs

when you give satisfeed a donut

when you give satisfeed a donut

She will probably pause to take a picture with it.

And naturally, try to take a bite out of it.

Then wave her hands in the air like she just don't care.

Because Rise City Swim chose to feature her for their Woman On The Rise campaign!

Click here to read the feature.

I wish I could say that playing with a donut, on my rooftop, in a swimsuit, is an average day for me. But it's not. 

What I can say, is that the confidence that exuded the instant I threw on that cheeky Aria suit, felt very real and illuminating. Even though there was no mirror or visual reference to attribute this confidence to. It was all inside. And it's no coincidence that this is a key passion point for the women's brand: empowering what's on the inside via wearable (and in this case, waterproof) inspiration. In their words: it's not the way you look, it's the way you live.

In a way, it taps on the very emotions that inspired me to start Satisfeed--the realization that it is possible to feel confident and sexy while eating what I want, when I want. Because looks aren't everything, but being yourself definitely is. 

Wearing: Aria one piece by Rise City Swim. Photos by: Sarah Callahan for Rise City Swim.

new this spring (2016)

new this spring (2016)

mason jars have more fun

mason jars have more fun